Talk in DevOpsDays Madrid 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes

On Friday, 6th October 2023, it was my pleasure to drive a talk at the conference DevOps Days Madrid 2023. I had the beautiful opportunity to talk about the Lessons Learned Hiring As A Teamwork with Inma Jiménez García and I want to share with you my impressions about the event.

I had the opportunity to create the spark of the DevOpsDays Madrid 2023, together with Leandro Fernández, Daniela Casetta, and Xavier Portilla. Very soon, Christian Melendez joined the team too. At some point, I was not able to balance my time enough well to have the time to deal with the responsibilities that the creation of an event as a DevOpsDays takes. From there, Xavi and Christian took the wheel and joined more people on the crew and they had great success at the DevOpsDays Madrid 2020, on which I had the pleasure to attend.

DevOpsDays initiative

Don’t you know about the DevOpsDays worldwide initiative?

Devopsdays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Each event is run by volunteers from the local area.

DevOpsDays Madrid 2023

This year 2023, the DevOpsDays Madrid came back after the COVID pandemic, and I saw a great opportunity to attend as a speaker. On this occasion, I wanted to try something different from my talk at the Codemotion Madrid 2023, in the way of driving the session. Because of that, I talked to my co-worker Inma and explained to her what was the idea I thought: A tandem conversation about the work she and I have done during the past 4 years. Lucky us, our proposal on the C4P was approved!

Inma Jiménez García and Marcos Fermín Lobo at the stage of the DevOpsDays Madrid 2023
Inmaculada Jiménez García and Marcos Fermín Lobo at the stage of the DevOpsDays Madrid 2023

The organization of the event was great. At the entrance of the Universidad CEU San Pablo (Escuela Politécnica Superior), you could find some volunteers already, in case you felt a bit lost. On the check-in desk Inma and I could find very nice people who helped us with the amount of questions we had.

The organization arranged a special isolated space (big room) for the speakers, on which Inma and I could fine-tune the last rehearsal before our session.

The lunchtime was very well organized too, just in front of the main entrance of the event, and with some awnings to ensure that the sun of Madrid on those dates could not spoil a nice lunchtime based on tasty paella.

The welcome in the room by the event’s volunteers was really warm. They were used to doing what they did, and they prepared everything about the sound and explained how the session was planned. This made Inma and I feel really comfortable before starting.

Our session was smooth, for the first time Inma and I spoke in tandem mode in a conference. Actually, both shared the same at the end of the session: “Hey, it was smoother than I thought!“. And that made sense because what we did was just talk about the job we did together during the past years, so it was pretty clear in our minds.

Thank you, Inma for your amazing work and commitment to this endeavor! It was a great pleasure!

Finally, from here I want to thank the whole organization of this DevOpsDays Madrid 2023, and congratulations on the amazing event!

Looking forward to the next year folks!