Tag: production

Enter, The NATS

Reading Time: 11 minutes Deliver a message from point A to point B as fast as possible. This is a requirement for humankind for a long time ago. History says there are records from 900 B.C. about Royal Post system in China to practice communication by written documents carried by an intermediary from one person or place to another. …

Auto-Scaling No Jutsu

Reading Time: 6 minutes You knew that could happen… it’s part of life and shit happens. Your precious distributed system has been deployed on Monday for the first time in the production environment, with real traffic, brilliant!, all good so far… and on Friday evening, “that” happened. The system starts to raise HTTP 500 status code, just dropping requests …

Fluentd, experience in production

Reading Time: 6 minutes Unified logging systems are increasingly being used to handle the logs from all across the platforms and the applications. These systems are becoming even more important in a cloud scenario where heterogeneous applications of any kind are used to solve the business problems at scale. This article addresses an analysis of one of these unified logging …